Fairview Cemetery in New Britain has long been home to groundhogs, but now that the "CT Fastrak" busway is under construction in the graveyard, the project -- run by the state -- has agreed to reimburse the city government for a trap and release program.
CT Fastrak is a $567 million plan to build a 9.4-mile rapid busway between New Britain and Hartford.
On Wednesday night, the Common Council voted unanimously to approve relocating the groundhogs that have been displaced before they did any damage after moving over to the cemetery, according to the New Britain Herald.
"They're cute, they're huge, they're like the size of dogs," said Monica Michaud, who's seen the rodents as she walks along the cemetery fence.
One of the busway builders, Steve Francois of Empire Paving, said he's seen the groundhogs near a hedge in the cemetery.
The groundhogs hide during the day from hawks and other predators.
Enid May's lived across Smalley Street from the fence since 2007.
"If I could run 'em over I would," she joked, but then admitted, "I enjoy them, I like watching them."
To see them in the future, she'll have to find them in a location where they won't tunnel under tombstones.
Photo Credit: NBCConnecticut.com