As classes begin, many parents all over the state wonder if their kids are any safer after the shooting at Sandy Hook that took the lives of 20 children and six educators in December.
"It makes you a little nervous," said Enfield High School parent Louise Mastroianni. "You give them a little extra kiss and hug goodbye and still hope that at the end of the day they're going to come home on the bus."
"I was very worried for my own kids because it could happen right here," said Enfield High School parent Wendy Leonardo.
To prevent a similar situation from ever happening in Enfield, the town has upped security.
A security committee comprised of Enfield police and fire officials, the town Board of Education and Town Councilmembers has devised a two-prong approach in an effort to keep everyone safe.
They've hardened school buildings, reinforcing certain windows and doors.
And when the school year begins, all 14 schools in Enfield will be equipped with an armed security officer reporting directly to police. Officials say the armed guards are all retired law enforcement personnel with 20-to-30 years of experience.
The town has hired 18 armed guards, and the positions are part-time.
"It's going to be a more safer community for not only students but teachers as well," said Enfield HS Freshman Kayla Gilbert.
The cost to hire these officers is about $500,000 according to Enfield Police Chief Carl Sferrazza.
The two high schools and middle school already have a police officer on site, and some parents wonder if adding guards will really make a difference.
"I don't think having an armed guard is going to stop anybody. If they want to get in, I think they're going to get in," said high school parent Debby Miller.
But some say just knowing there's an armed presence prepared for any hazards will deter someone looking to do harm.
"If somebody knows there's a cop carrying a gun, they're going to think twice," said parent Charles Travali.
Chief Sferrazza said that after two years, they'll evaluate the program to determine if it should be continued or enhanced.
He said the armed security officers will carry the same gun as Enfield police. They'll also have a ballistic vest and portable radio to communicate with the police department.
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